For those of you who still remember me...
I realize it's been awhile since I've been to VMK land. I think of you all often and hope to get back into our virtual community when I can.

On March 9, I had a
I'm definitely not getting enough sleep, but I'll live. She's a sweetie pie and her big brother (now 2 1/2 - the original "little mouse" on VMK) loves her with no apparent jealousy so far.

In other news, since I announced last year that I'd had a poem about Disneyland accepted for publication (you remember, Chescat, the one I thought out while on the phone with you while walking down Harbor Blvd.), I've had 10 more poems accepted in national literary journals, including the California Poetry Review and the New York Quarterly. So I now can officially call myself a poet! It's a dream come true for me.

I hope you all are well and hope to see you soon!