My son had a baseball game tonight. The poor pitcher --- I can't say his father was totally obnoxious, but he never stopped coaching the child from the sides. The coach even nicely said to him to, "Relax, that's what I'm here for", but the father kept going. He even sat down on the team bench, even though he is not a coach. When he wasn't coaching from the sides, he was pacing. You know the type, clenched jaw and really concentrating ... looked like he was going to break like a guitar string.

I heard the wife tell him to let the coach do the coaching, but his response was that the coach wasn't telling the boy the same things he was saying; that his son always makes the same pitching errors year after year.

I was embarrassed for the boy, the wife and the coach and I'm not sure I can listen to this guy all season! Any advice, sports moms and dads?