Hey all!
We just got back on Wednesday and had a blast...here goes the report!

Cast- Prince Charming-(A.K.A.-DH, 34)
Birthday Pricess-(A.K.A.-Me, 31)
We woke up by 3:30 a.m., got dressed, and left for the Airport. After an uneventful, 20 minute drive, we made it in plenty of time to check-inn. We did necessary security screenings and waited at the gate for our boarding call & had a little breakfast, I was getting more anxious to the minute! I wanted to GO ALREADY!!!!!! . Our flight was uneventful, although we WERE packed liked sardines because of a FULL flight. We arrived ahead of schedule...Yay! After doing the extermely long treck and tram ride to the Disney Welcoming Center...I was home!!! We waited for about 10 minutes for the wheelchair accessible DME buss to arrive but were so happy, we didn't even notice the time.
After a very comfortable DME ride we arrived @ ASMu for check-inn @ about 12:45 p.m. It was a long line but it moved pretty quickly. The CM that checked us in saw a note in the reservation that said it was my birthday and immediately made arrangements to get me a birthday button (in Spanish!!! we are Puerto Rican after all) and a very beautiful red rose . I thought that it was it, when the manager came in and had the ENTIRE lobby sing happy birthday to me!!!! Wow!
After getting our key and papers and finding out our room met all things I had requested (YAY DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!) we boarded a bus to the MK.
We started by roaming Main St. where all CM's wished me a happy birthday. As we stopped by the Confectionary, we met up with the Quartet who sings at Main Street and they sang Happy Birthday to me and "Silvery Moon". AWESOME!!!!!!!! Then we saw it, the Castle...there it was AHHHH! we were finally REALLY here . We took a picture with Gieppetto and headed for Tony's Town SQ. for lunch. I insisted on an outside table and got my wish. They set up the table with Pixie Dust and half way through the meal the Make a Dream Come True Parade started (hence my insistance on an outside table despite the heat). It was Magical, to see the smile on my husband's face, the excitement I felt...Pure Disney Moment!!!! After the parade we headed over to Frontierland wanting to ride the Jungle Cruise. It was really cool. Then, as we intended to head on over to 2/3 of the Mountain range (Splash & Big Thunder) it started raining. Trapped in the rain, we decided to see the Country Bear Jamboree for the first time in 20 some odd years. After that we headed for Adventureland and did Swiss Family Tree House and headed on over to Pirates (I LOVE this ride). Then We headed on over to Fantasy Land and did Small World, Peter Pan (Twice), Snow White(Twice), & Winnie The Pooh. Afterwards, we rode Haunted Mansion over @ Liberty SQ., WOW!!! What a nice refurb. We then headed on over to Future World while catching Wishes and then did the Laugh Floor Comedy & Buzz Lightyear and ate @ Cosmic Ray's. We went back to the hotel, where our bags magically appeared and where I had a surprise waiting!!!!! My DH had sent me a basket with wine, cheese, dark chocolates and two "Mickey" gobblets!! Again, Disney Magic @ its best . We drank a little wine and called it a night. Tomorow we have Breakfast w/Donald!