Felt fine yesterday while we were travelling, and even felt pretty good driving back from Lafayette today. But by the time I dropped Christy off at the airport I suddenly became so cold that I couldn't stop shaking and darn near chewed a hole through my lip.
So I came home, put on some sweats, my house shoes, lit the fireplace, turned the Central Heat up to 76 (unheard of for me to do that!), wrapped up in a blanket and played a little VMK. But after a while I just couldn't keep going... I checked my temp a few times; 101.9, then 102.5, then 102.2 and as I type it's now 102.3.
My dear pirate sinking friends asked if I'd taken anything; well, once upon a time I would have right away, but my GP says that due to the other med's I'm on and my frequent prostate problems that I should not unless I call him first. But it got a bit too miserable, so I finally took some Fever Reducing Tylenol.
Now instead of feeling cold, I'm burning up and every bone in my body aches. I keep running to the bathroom every 10-15 minutes, and all-in-all I'm just plain miserable right now, so sorry I wasn't my usual chipper self online tonight.
I'd call in to work, but due to some other recent health problems I don't think I have enough sick leave to cover my absence, so I'm gonna show up... try to do my charting (which means travelling all over campus in the coldest weather we've had all year), and see if there isn't enough coverage by other therapists to take my afternoon groups for me.
I'll let ya know how I fare through the night...