Why am I yelling? Well as many of you know going through with me this past year my son Hayden was diagnosed in March with a rare disease called Krabbe Disease. It is ususally terminal before 24 months so you can imagine how special this birthday is, he wasn't supposed to have one, but enough of the depressing stuff this is a PARTY!

Of course it will be DIsney themed with a lot of our memorabilia from our two trips and lots of pictures of characters. We have several autographs personalized to Hayden and several even wishing him a Happy Birthday that we will be framing and hanging up. And of course lots of cake ice cream drinks games and good fun. I even emailed a letter to the guest communications department officially inviting as many characters as I could think of and any CMs who wanted to come too.

You are all invited! Without the support, prayers, wishes, thoughts, and of course piles and piles of pixie dust we have scattered all around our house. (Hayden now sleeps on a pillow full of pixie dust instead of foam or feathers.)

Thanks everyone and we look forward to seeing you there.