DD 8

Dec. 24-Jan. 3
ASSports, room 2250

We got to bed at 5:30am after MK EMHs. Around 7:30, I woke up with MAJOR heart palpitations and pain. I tried to rest, but got no sleep or comfort. We got up and met Emily at the bus stop and headed to EPCOT to meet Brian and Michelle and camp out for NYE fireworks.

No sooner had we gotten in the park, I am winded, dizzy, tingling all over, and my heart is racing out of my chest. DD was in the bathroom and I tell Emily to take her b/c I am headed to First Aid.

I am taken straight back, and the nurse takes my blood pressure and pulse, then immediately calls the paramedics. They run an EKG, (DH shows up…he’d been at the lockers when this happened and Emily told him where I was) and they tell him that my rhythms are not good, so they will summon an ambulance and off I go to Florida hospital in Celebration.

They did a chest x-ray (dr. was worried about a clot due to my mitral valve prolapse causing my shortness of breath), they did bloodwork (where apparently they check for a hormone type substance that indicates a heart attack. My level was just “trace” so he was unsure.) They give me aspirin, start an IV, have me on oxygen b/c I couldn’t say a sentence without huffing and puffing.

Finally, he says he wants to keep me for observation. But when the rest of my tests come back okay, and after laying there 5 hours my heart rate steadies, he says he’ll let me go if I PROMISE to take it easy. I had every intention of going straight to the hotel, but I thought, “I just have to see these fireworks!” so I go to EPCOT (slowly) and watch. Absolutely amazing! I am so glad I got to see them! We slowly trekked back to the room and slept in this morning (I slept until about 10). Now we’re just slowly getting up and around, waiting for Emily to come by before she leaves for home. Then we’re off to the MK to meet Brian and Michelle for lunch at the Plaza.

I feel better today…and I will take it easy. They just deduced it was a bad mitral valve flare up, maybe brought on by the schedule and stresses of the week.

I tell you what, I definitely don’t know what I would have done without Brian, Michelle, and Emily! They took care of DD all day while DH and I were at the hospital. I felt so sorry for them…what a party pooper I turned out to be on NYE!

Only two and a half days left. I hope to stay on top of the reports from here on out…I’ll do my best!

Happy New Year!