We encountered some issues on our most recent trip that we haven't had in the past. I don't know if it is due to CM trying to be more strict with the rules or what. My DD (8) is in a wheelchair and can't walk at all. We encountered several CM who wouldn't let me go through the wheelchair line without showing the Guest Assistance card even though it is a wheelchair and not a stroller. I don't really have a problem with that however a CM at the Haunted Mansion told me I would still have to park it in the stroller parking and carry my DD through the regular line (pre-show and all) and load her. I explained that I couldn't carry her that far. She told me we couldn't ride if I couldn't carry her that far.

I know from the past that there is an alternate entrance. We went back later with a different CM and we waited in line then used the alternate entrance.

On POTC we were forced to "carry" her through the back entrance instead of being allowed to wheel her close to the boats. This is a long walk carrying an 8 year old child. My DH and I aren't young and it isn't good on our backs.

We haven't had these issues in the past so I don't understand the change. Anyone else with these problems?

On the brighter side, the trip was good overall!