
Me-43, Event planner by day, Disney planner by night
DH-40, Cranky Disney Nay-sayer

Will they or won't they? This was the poser my DH and I were pondering as we fell asleep the night before. Will the terrible parents next door be up to their old tricks? My friends, while I do not enjoy being the bearer of bad news, I must be truthful. Surly McCP (I thought I'd shorten it. If you haven't read the previous posts, that's short for Surly McCrankyPants) and I were in blissful Disney Dreamland, thoughts of Mickey Bars dancing in our heads. Then, this happenend.



Stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp.



I hear these noises coming from somewhere inside our room. I open 1/2 of my left eye (might right eye is buried in the pillow, probably stuck there by a delightful drool pool) and the blinding red LED lights of the clock in front of my 1/2 open eye tells me that it's 12:34. I can surmise by the crack in the curtains that it's AM and not PM (it's dark out). I grunt and groan a little (for any of you who are 43, you know the noises you make in the morning!) and finally make the effort of turning my noggin towards the noises I'm hearing. It's DH, only-it's NOT DH. It's Surlier McCrankyPants. And he's mad. His cold has smacked him in the head these past few hours, he's achy, and HOO BOY is he ticked off (it's a Disney site-I have to say "ticked"). Even in my unroused state, I can guess from the tone of the way he put on his black Nike baseball hat-you guys know what I mean-when you are mad, you can really slam those hats down hard-that those darn neighbors are at it again. DH has not spoken a word, but he's dressing. That means a confrontation is iminent. I don't know if it will be a fair fight. DH is big and mad. They are unsuspecting. Like shooting fish in a barrel it would be. Well, I give him credit. He opened up the door, and I know the sight was not good to the balcony dwellers. When DH has a head cold, his voice gets extremely deep, he's already a big guy, he was wearing his black Nike basketball shorts, a black t-shirt with the sleeves cut off to accomodate "the gun show" (hahahahaha) and his black hat. He looked like a well dressed sporting cat burgler. I was actually surprised that although the tone was NOT happy, the words were not menacing. I was expecting *&^%^&%&^%)()*(*(&^ to come out of his mouth. But it was like this:

DH-"Excuse me, but could you please move your party somewhere else?

BD (balcony dwellers) - "What? There's someone in that room?"

DH- "Yes, there is someone in this room. It's a large resort at Disney World. There is someone in EVERY room"

BD-"Well, we didn't know anyone was in there, it's so quiet"

DH-"That's how a resort room is supposed to be! QUIET! So you don't bother other guests."

BD-"Gee, we're sorry"

Now, this sounds very mellow, and like a very kindly spoken exchange. It was not. Surly, Sick and Angry DH basically "boomed" as he spoke to them.

We never heard a peep out of them again.

DH was upset that he hadn't done this on the first night.

I will wrap up this post, and continue our regular part of the day in Day 4-Regular Morning.
