I have to ask my intercot friends a very serious question. I have received a pin for up to 40% off our upcoming vaction, but it's for specific times. My vacations are very flexible in that I can take most weeks of the year that I may need. My preferred time would be mid August for the discounts. Now, prior to getting this, we had planned on going during the Christmas / New Years '08. We've never been during Christmas and have talked about it at length over the years, however have always gone during the summer. Now the question...our fam of 5 is sorta torn in that some want the summer and discount (me mostly) and some for the Christmas time frame. What would you choose and why. I understand Christmas is the absolute busiest, but very, very nice. My thought was take advantage of the discount this year and go during Christmas next year???????? any great idea's / concerns are very welcome.