Has anybody else experienced this? Last week I had a late reservation at the Coral Reef Restaurant in Epcot. When our party was finished with dinner, Epcot was closed. We went into a few shops and worked our way to the bus stops. It was about 10pm or so when we made it to the bus stop, and we were looking to catch the bus to Coronado Springs. Crowds had died down, and there was a CM standing at the bus stop sign. By the way he was dressed, he appeared to be in management. He was directing guests where to go because his directions were different than what was written on the signs. His very words to us were "Coronado Springs and All Stars are combined." We assumed that this was common practice after the park has been closed a while. Per his instructions, everybody from CS and All Stars started forming one bus line. There were still quite a bit of people that were making a long line since it was for CS plus all 3 All Star hotels. The assumption was that one bus was making 2 stops. Meanwhile, a group of about 20 high school students cut in the front part of the line. My DH told them that if they were going to cut, that they needed to stand on the bus and let the moms with small children in their arms who had been waiting in line have the seats. The teenagers decided that cutting in line wasn't the best idea and went to the back of the line. (That was a side story. It really didn't have anything to do with the real topic at hand. It just played a factor into the tensions that were rising.) Anyway, finally a bus pulled up. All that it said for destination was "Epcot." The driver never changed the sign. Again, now the line is still assuming that CS and All Stars are still one. A guest boarding the bus double checked to see where the driver was going. Turns out, he was only going to All Stars. All of us who were going to CS had to get off of the bus. Because all of the confusion took so much time, he ended up driving away with empty seats on the bus. (The teens who tried to cut and were at the end of the line didn't even get on the All Stars because it pulled away so fast.) It was mass confusion. What I don't understand is this--if two different buses were coming anyway, why didn't they just separate us by hotels? There are no CM's at the bus stops, so it wasn't like they had to pay an extra CM to be there. The whole situation was really odd. I'm thinking about sending an e-mail, but I wanted to know if there was a good reason behind this method before I send a complaint???