Hi, I came across this article on the internet. This would be pretty cool if it happens.

Disney to offer vintage TV on Disney.com
Disney to Offer Some Vintage TV Series on Its Web Site
Published: March 7, 2008
The Walt Disney Company will begin showing its classic television shows on
the Internet, its chief executive, Robert A. Iger, told shareholders on

"In the near future, you'll see more of that product available on
Disney.com, either for free or through some sort of subscription," Mr. Iger,
57, said at the company's annual meeting. "Providing physical goods on DVD
is tougher and tougher these days because shelf space is limited."

Disney, producer of the "Zorro" and "Davy Crockett" TV series in the 1950s,
is expanding Web revenue by selling programs from ABC and the Disney Channel
on Apple's iTunes Store and offering ad-supported episodes online. "Star
Trek" from CBS and "The A-Team" from NBC have been added to those networks'
Web sites. Mr. Iger did not say which shows Disney would provide.

CBS and NBC said last month they would put advertiser-supported episodes of
older TV series online. CBS shows include "MacGyver" and NBC will provide
"Miami Vice."

Disney bought Club Penguin, an online social network for children, in August
to help increase Internet sales. Mr. Iger is also expanding Disney's cable
network and animation businesses outside the United States. He is using hit
TV programs and films like "High School Musical" and "Hannah Montana" to
bolster sales in Disney's theme parks and its consumer products division.

"Each of these stories has been developed and enriched over time," Mr. Iger
said at the meeting in Albuquerque. They "work on multiple technological
platforms and appeal across multiple cultural and social backgrounds."