Wow, this really is the thread that just won't die...(thou I suspect that Jakeybake likely wishes it would). I have been pretty surprised to see how incensed some people have gotten over one guy who really just wants to stay on property when he makes his annual pilgrimage to the Mecca of the Mouse. ( I mean we generally have thread after thread in which we espouse the virtues of the on-property experience).

What is especially surprising to me is the fact that the criticism has come from folks who are on Intercot which generally means they (we ) have what many might call an inordinate amount of affection for Disney in the first place. (By the way we know they are wrong, we can stop doing all things Disney anytime we want. Its not an addiction...)

While the following quote certainly is not applicable to all who have been critical of jakeybake,(I'm trying to be gentle and here) for some have disagreed in a very agreeable way and taken a glass half full approach to the issue-- However, a few of the more caustic comments brought to mind the following words from H.G. Wells (who actually has something of a Disney connection in that in the old Timekeeper world exhibition scene where Nine-Eye, H.G. Wells {played by Jeremy Irons} and Jules Verne meet...[and no I really don't have a disney problem]) once wrote,

"Moral indignation is often jealousy with a halo. "