Quote Originally Posted by KevMcNJ View Post
This was 1991-ish...

I bought embroidered Mickey Mouse ears for my friend Patti ( do they still sew personal names on the back of the ears?)

while I was staying @ WDW with my GF susie

I really really REALLY thought I had the ears hidden well enough in my suit case so Susie didnt find Pattis ears.

Oh well ...I havent spoken to Susie OR patti in years

Live and learn

Also same trip I drank so much at Pleasure Island one night that
I passed out on the bus back to our resort.

I was a bit of a nit wit around 1991
oh boy..

Dont tell me that was you with me at the PI nightly New Years Eve Party making fools of ourselves If it was though we sure had fun and I dont talk to Steve anymore either LOL!!! I think I remember I told the bartender I could hang and to hook it up!!! (as if any disney bartender is light handed!) I spent the next day But it was SO fun!!!

Its hard to believe that was over 15 years ago!! oh my...