Did you miss me?

Did you think I had left forever? Cause I wouldn't do that

I was actually in Wisconson for the past week and was basically in the middle of nowhere at my grandparents trailer they have on a lake. So I was out of touch with everything for a week lol I didn't even have cell phone service.

But it was fun my grandparents have some crazy friends that are very funny.

The weather was alright I got there on Tuesday night and it was warm then stayed that way with out much wind until Friday when it got cold and rainy and stayed that way until Sunday night when it got better then yesterday and today it was very nice out. So I had a good time despite the weather.

However now that I'm back I have to get ready to go all over again. I'm going down to Branson Missouri on Friday and will be there for a week also. However where I'm going isn't so much in the middle of nowhere and they should have some internet access which will be good lol