Lily had posted a link to another up-and-comer that is coming right out and saying that they are vying for the cast-off's of VMK.

This what Lily posted;
"This seems to look like a fun and wholesome place for adventure! I came accross this link with a special pre-registration link for VMK peeps! Let me know what you think..."
After registration, you get this....
"Your spot as a Founder of Elf Island is reserved! The countdown to launch is on! You'll soon be able to search for the amazing secret. Play games that help real people, animals and the earth. Create an Elf that walks and flies! Live on your personal island. Chat, trade and meet awesome animals! And, of course, you'll get special privileges as a Founder!

First rights to explore our wondrous island!

  • An exclusive secret hideaway for VMKers* to reunite with lost friends!
  • A rare Founder’s Cap to forever honor you as a founding citizen of Elf Island!

When Elf Island launches later this summer, it will be announced on the official Elf Island Blog. At that time, you will able to register by using the Elf Name and Password you submitted. Check the blog for the latest news!"
Dunno much more than that. It doesn't ask for any e-mail or personal information; just to register a name and create a password. It did say somewhere on the blog section that their target demographic is tweens, so this may be more "family friendly" for some who are still concerned about Small Worlds (although it suits me fine... so far!) Since it came recommended by a former Host, what do y'all think?

(I included the direct link that Lily posted... dunno if that is allowable?)