Day 3 was our Epcot day and began with a 9:00am breakfast with the Princesses at Akershus. We had a nice meal that my DD's loved and then it was off to Test Track (I ran over before reservation to get FP). After that is was off to Nemo ride and Turtle Talk. We went to "Honey I Shrunk the Kids" and then spent time at Innoventions and the DD's played with all the interactive fun. The girls had lunch at McD's near Canada and then the skies started to darken. We headed back towards Innoventions and the rain let loose. We waited it out for a little while, but decided to put our ponchos on and headed for the bus back to POFQ. We rested and then decided to head for Downtown Disney for dinner (BIG MISTAKE). As we got to Downtown the skies completely opened up and it poured in buckets for about an hour. We made a run for Rainforest Cafe and were soaked when we arrived. We ate and dried off a little and then shopped a bit and headed back to POFQ to dry off and get new clothes.

Highlight: DD's faces at Princess breakfast
Lowlight: Being soaked to the bone

Day 4 tomorrow