Quote Originally Posted by Tink&Goofy View Post
The brownies are in the oven. Dark Chocolate. They will be ready in about 20 minutes. Any takers?
If there's any brownies left, I'll take some!

Quote Originally Posted by MMouse6937 View Post
I have a feeling a visit won't be the most pleasant, maybe even for a funeral, but we're going to try to make it up there before that happens. Either way, we want to get together with both you and Pogo, I couldn't imagine coming that way and not seeing you guys!!
If you make it to NY state, I'll be there. I'm only about 4 hrs drive from Syracuse.

Quote Originally Posted by Beast_fanatic View Post
We had ribs for dinner too!

The game's been going on a good long time now. I can't remember exactly how long, but I'd say at least 6 years.
We had ribs last night too... hmmm...

And 6 yrs of question? Wow!

Quote Originally Posted by MissStyles View Post
morning everyone!!!! i don't have time to read the 100+ posts i've missed but i wanted to see if i could have some positive jqu thoughts and pixie dust sent to us here in florida.......?!?! pretty please? im down at mamastyles' - we are leaving for the airport so i can fly back to jacksonville......the storm will be here tomorrow and in my area wednesday.....id appreciate it so very much! on a happier note my trip is only 11 days away..........!!!
Hi Emily! Pixie dust to y'all in Florida! Stay dry!

Hi all, I'm off to do some yoga. I practiced it when I was living in Barcelona (oh, 10 yrs ago?) but lost track of it when I came back to the States. Hope I don't hurt myself.

The contest is going well, I hope... I've sent out scores of emails and even had some people say they've forwarded my email to their friends. By the way, you can vote every 24 hours (as oppposed to every day). Since I voted at 8 pm last night, I can't vote until 8 pm tonight.

Take it easy, everyone!