Quote Originally Posted by disneydeb View Post
102 days out for Disney for me and a few more than that before I see some of my best friends n the world! Will someone pinch me please?
Deb, has anyone told you lately how sweet you are? Well, if not, I'm here to tell ya!!

Quote Originally Posted by TikiGoddess View Post
Sarah, hugs to you and Mike. How nice that you have each other to lean on.

PS anyone want some peach cobbler? DH made it and it's GOOD!
Thanks for your thoughts Kathy. You are right, it's nice that we have someone to lean on, and Mike's the best for that kinda thing!

And, yes, I'll take some peach cobbler, let me just go get a glass of milk.

Quote Originally Posted by Caroleh View Post
What is everyone up to this fine evening?
Just got done paying all the bills. We're trying to get everything paid before we leave for WDW. That way when we come back there won't be much left to pay. Now I'm off to take a bath and head to bed. I'm camping out on the couch tonight to spray Daisy anytime she gets near the dog door. Last night I sprayed her at least five times before she gave up, we'll see how brave she is tonight.

Does anyone else miss Blythe? I sure hope she's having a great time but I miss her posts.

Hope you all have a great evening to you all love ya!!