Please, please, please say a prayer for everyone along the Gulf Coast!!! I am really starting to panick. I have already called Beth (Ms. Min). Thanks so much Beth for listening to me. It is really not looking good for New Orleans again. Friday is the anniversary of Katrina. I know we choose to live here and hurricanes are something we need to deal with, but I can't believe we are facing something that has the potential to do much more destruction than Katrina if it comes up the mouth of the Missippis River. Bret (Sgt Tigger) - you and Sherrie are in my prayers. I know how hard you were hit for Katrina because I know what my family went through and they live in the same parish as you do. Also, a special prayer to Bret and the rest of the policeman and fireman who put their on lives in danger to be sure everyone else is save. God bless.