Friday, August 29th, 2008
Day 6
Today we ran back over to Disneyland and rode the train around to Mickey’s Toontown. We rode in the caboose, which was a little hot, but it was a neat experience.

Mickey’s Toontown was open early for AAA package holders so there were only a few people there. We hit all of the houses, attractions and then called it a day at Mickey’s neighborhood.

Across the park to Pirates, Haunted Mansion and Indy followed by the show “Billy Hill and the Hillbillies.” Another great show made better when JRKCR’s oldest daughter was called up to perform on a tiny fiddle. Very funny and she did a great job. Parmesan cheese was her parting gift.

At this point I decided to call it a trip. JRKCR and her family hit Disney’s Electrical Parade over at California Adventure but I wanted to go to the room and start packing for my early trip to the airport. JRKCR and her DH came to the room after the parade saying the line to get into Disneyland for Fantasmic was horrendous.

The next morning Super Shuttle was on time at 8:15AM and after a bit of trouble on the runway, I was heading back to South Carolina around noon. I arrived back at home tired but thankful for a great trip with great friends – and glad for the humidity!

Final thought JRKCR?