I've lived near Canada my whole life, and grew up with CBC out of Windsor, Ontario, as one of our "local" channels. Unfortunately, we have DirecTV, and don't get this channel along with our metro Detroit local channels. However, we do get the NHL network.

Last Saturday, I was cruising through the program guide around 10:30 PM, and discovered a hockey game on this channel. I picked it, and discovered that it was CBC's late "Hockey Night in Canada" game! I wondered if they showed the earlier game, too.

Tonight, after giving up on my Wolverines, I discovered that NHL network was going to be showing the Maple Leafs game starting at 7:00 PM. I went to that channel, and there was Ron McLean and the rest of the CBC gang! We have "Hockey Night in Canada" again!

Our local Red Wings broadcasts are very good, but we don't like the Versus coverage. We've really missed HNIC. We've even missed Don Cherry.

I can only hope that we'll get CBC's Stanley Cup playoff/finals coverage on NHL network, too.