December 12, 2008

Well, I’m glad I picked up that hoodie, as things got chilly here. I get dressed, hit up the food court for breakfast and then a bus to AK for the Everest meet. I didn’t get there in time for a fastpass, but I rode anyway as the standby wasn’t too bad. That is a fantastic ride, even though the Yeti wasn’t working. That was really the only ride I was interested in getting on at AK, so I grab a bus to DHS, and met another Mousefester in line.

We get separated at the bag line, but I’m going for the Star Tours meet (got there on time for a change!) after seeing that the fastpasses for Toy Story mania were all given out and the line was 70 minutes, so I pass for the meet and decide to go back after the meet. It was 80 minutes by the time I got back to it, so I enjoy the line and the ride (didn’t score so well), and then head to RNRC to find the standby line at 70 minutes and no single rider line. I tried to get a FP from two separate machines with no luck, even after having a CM help, so she gave me a FP that I could immediately use. After a great ride, I then decide to have dinner, walk around a bit before heading back to find the standby in a better mood, but then a lot of people in yellow sweatsuits hit the FP line, causing a long delay in standby. It was time for the Osbourne Lights meet by the time I get out, and I go enjoy the spectacle before heading to Epcot.

I couldn’t have a trip without a monorail ride, so I go to the TTC and hitch a ride to Epcot. After a ride on the new SSE, I then go to the illuminations meet, have an apple strudel, and then to The American Adventure.

It’s tough to stay awake, so it’s time for bed – I have to pack tomorrow morning…sigh.