Hey guys, I got the following information from John's journal on Christmas. I was wonderin if anyone has heard anything else.
I just checked his journal and there have been no updates added.

Merry Christmas to all of my dear friends, prayer warriors and family!! I know this greeting comes mighty late in the day, but this is the first chance that I have had all day to sit down!!

Christmas was a wonderful day for the Burke family. We started our day with the girls opening their Santa gifts and we were joined by my father, sister and her boyfriend, as well as my mother & father-in-law. It was a wonderful start to a day to reflect upon the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with our family!

Christmas dinner was shared with just a few of our family and extended family....just about 45 of them or so. Thank goodness for our church offering for us to use the events center as their was no way I was going to be able to fit 45 people in our little 1100 sq ft home!! It was a wonderful evening and while, as organizer, it was a bit stressful during the prep time, it all came together quite nicely.

Family remains in town and we will have the pleasure of spending a few more days with them before they all have to head back home. I just want to thank everyone who made it out for Christmas dinner!! While it was a lot of work, it was WONDERFUL having so many family members together sharing in the true spirit of the Christmas holiday.

Well, the time has come and I am back in the hospital this Sunday for my next high-resolution CT Scan. We are hoping that either "A" - my blood numbers have come down and there is nothing to be seen in the scan....or "B" that we can now see the tumors in my liver and lymph nodes so that we can proceed to do a biopsy to guarantee that we are dealing with cancerous tumors. While I really don't want to hear that it continues to grow, in other ways, I hope that shomething shows up so that we can then decide how we are going to move forward. Please pray that God's will continues to be done with this journey that we are on. If there is one thing that I have learned through this whole process is this......if you have a Savior to put your hope and trust in, then you can rest in peace knowing that you will be taken care of. He has yet to fail me!! God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good!!

May God continue to bless you and yours as you wrap up your Christmas time festivities and may you be sure to let your loved ones know how much you love and care for them!!

God Bless!