Hey all. I've been going thru a bunch of tests and stuff. BAck in December I had a TWO WEEK period of heart palpitations and racing heart beats (I clocked it a few times at 125 beats a minute) Anyway.. looks like the tests show I have very minor leakage of my heart valves and I have Tachycardia. My doct didn't seem too concerned about it. Said I need to monitor my symptoms and go on a low fat/low sodium diet and do aerobic exercises. He also said if I have an episode that lasts longer than 30 minutes I should seek medical help. Is there anyone on here that has this? I looked it up on the internet (the mayo clinic site) and it sounds like it could be something serious also. During that 2 week period in Dec my episodes lasted almost 24 hours a day so I'm wondering if I really should seek help after just 30 minutes... I still get episodes often (they've gotten better.. maybe a few a week).. but most do last anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes.. so I would hate to have to keep going to the ER or Urgent Care or the doct.. could get quite costly. So I just want to find some others here who have this and hear what you do to control it and how you handle it. Thanks!