I added-on another 125 points at BLT today, giving me 425 points at BLT and 1,250 points overall.

This is my 22nd add-on to my original, giving me 23 contracts. At least they're all the same UY.

After seeing the recent pictures of BLT in the media (especially those fantastic views), my opinion that BLT will become my favorite resort was solidified.

Once I get the paperwork, I won't return it until after the new incentives are announced. If the new incentives are better for me, I'll simply tear it up and have it re-written; otherwise, I'll sign it and send it back.

My guide repeated what I've heard on other boards: that BLT is selling faster than expected, and faster than BCV did.

Now, I was already sold and she had no reason to tell me this to get me to buy, so perhaps there is a tad bit of truth to this? Or maybe that's what the management is telling their sales force. She mentioned that BLT might sell out in a month or so.