We've always booked our trips through AAA and trusted them to get us the best deal on airline tickets. Now I have my doubts that they were doing the job.
How do you get the best deals on airline tickets? For instance, am I sure to pay through the nose if I attempt to fly Boston-Orlando on April vacation week? Would the end of summer have better deals? How about fall?

Also, do people find it better to book well in advance, or does waiting get you better deals?

Anyone feel one airline is better than others? Is Southwest the way to go these days? I don't even know if they fly to Orlando from Boston.

I know, I'm all over the place with these questions, but perhaps that conveys my uncertainty, my lack of confidence, and fears of getting ripped off. Quite frankly it's the price of plane tickets, not the price of WDW that has kept me from vacationing there for so long. Airlines are such a rip off, and a neccesary evil for getting to WDW, so the answers to any of these questions I hope will help lead me down the right path.

Thanks in advance!