Hey everyone, since you all helped me out with picking out the right spot on where to propose i thought i would share what i did......

The very first day we arrived we decided that we were going to go to MK first. We arrived at the park and the crowd levels on main street were not that bad. As we were walking down a photopass person asked if we would like our picture taken, which we of course said yes to. I also gave him our camera and asked him to take one with ours as well. He took our picture with the castle in the background and after he was done taking the other one with our camera i stepped away from her and reached into my pocket and pulled out the ring. It was almost as if time stood still and the only thing i could hear was the photopass cameraman taking a ton of pictures(44 to be exact). I asked her to marry me and she said yes! At that point I put the ring on her finger and hugged and kissed her to the applause of the crowd around us. We spent the next 7 days at WDW having the best vacation ever.

Thanks so much to all of you who helped out with ideas again, hope it was fun to see this journey.