Quote Originally Posted by Ian View Post
Well I can tell you for certain that if Howard Stern replaces Simon next season I am OUT!
Quote Originally Posted by TheDuckRocks View Post
I'm also in the group of people who will never, ever watch again if Howard Stearn becomes part of the show.
Quote Originally Posted by SBETigg View Post
Idol producers have denied ever talking to or about Stern and it seems to be a rumor that Stern cooked up. Maybe he wants it? Which is weird. But the Sirius radio thing isn't going quite as he planned. But I really don't think he fits in and it would bring it to a place I don't think the average AI viewer wants to go. So I would say there's no chance of it. But what do I know.
First of all, I am not a Stern "fan" per say, but my fiancee is and he has the satellite radio, and I end up listening to the show a lot. I really don't think he started the rumor himself, and I don't think he really wants it, but he is enjoying the speculation. His whole life is centered in NY and I don't see him going to LA for the show. That being said, I actually think he has equal if not more credibility as a judge than Ellen. He is a true music fan who is an amateur musician himself, has watched the show since the beginning, knows what it takes to make it in the industry, he is always having musicians in for unplugged sessions and amazing interviews and actually has educated opinions for the most part. Yes he is a "shock jock" who has elements to his show that most of us do not approve of, and there are times when my fiancee knows it's time to turn the channel, but I can listen to about 90% of his shows and actually be interested/intrigued/entertained. I think AI is going to take a huge ratings hit with Simon gone, so why not take a chance with a guy who has an audience who will definitely follow him to the program? That being said I would bet on it not happening.