Since no one has started one yet, I guess I'll do it! Match time coming up! Not sure how you guys are, but I am completely stoked for the Cup! So, who do you support (you can support more than 1 team in my opinion)? Who do you think will win it all? Players to watch for the tournament? Most intriguing matchup? Who'll play in the final? Those kinds of questions!!

I, of course, support the U.S. and Spain! I expect a better showing from the U.S. this time as opposed to in 2006. There's no way we'd win it all (I'm realistic), but at least get us to the knockout rounds. But I believe Spain will win it all!

Oh, and did anyone see that a South African Police Chief said that he hopes the U.S. doesn't make it out of the group stage because he doesn't want to have to deal with the security issues that come along with President Obama coming to watch the team play? What a loser!!

So, what ya got?