Hi all,

I ran into a problem on my last trip to DL that I had never encountered before -- tons of little to teen aged girls rushing me in order to trade pins with me. Now my pins are all special to me, lots of bling, and they are wanting to trade those cheap ones (the $1 pins you get for ten years of pin trading) for my huge golden enchanted heart or my rare Humphrey pins (which I would never part with).

Well, I hated to tell them no but I absolutely could not trade with them so I went online and bought a lot of 60 pins for like $45, gave my boys all the ones they wanted for trading and kept all the "girlie" ones that they would never have on their lanyards. So anyway, I have an extra lanyard now with about 25 Disney princess pins to mollify the kids with, without having to be rude. It didn't cost me that much, my sons are thrilled and I can make a little bit of magic of my own.

Just wanted to share that idea