Quote Originally Posted by Ian View Post
Man ... I mean this just keeps getting worse. The disneymemories.com website doesn't even work right. I, for the life of me, cannot fathom why Disney has such a ridiculously hard time getting web stuff to work?
It's because, often, people in charge of web development/design are RESTRICTED as to what they can do by "higher ups" who have NO knowledge of or training in the use of web based software.

As an example, my sister is a web designer for Williams Sonoma Corp. (she is responsible for the layout, content, and operation of the Pottery Barn website). She complains all the time about how they have these meetings with VP's, Managers, etc. and they come up with these ridiculous ideas that are difficult and most often, impossible to implement online. Her least favorite phrase is "can't you just photoshop that?" She is limited in her creative ability by stupid corporate rules, budget limitations, and things that interior designers (who, again, have NO computer knowledge) come up with.

Disney probably does the same thing to its web developers. They probably pitch all these ideas that are extremely difficult to make work online, and the web designers, strapped by budget constraints, and limited programs in use, do the best they can, and often, the sites end up "buggy" in those circumstances.