I'm sure there is an old thread (or many) on the same idea, but I haven't seen one in awhile, so how about a little game to pass the time?

Start with a question about where on property a certain thing is, can be an object, animatronic figure, something on the wall, whatever. Just try to make sure it's at least guess-able, and not a "where did I leave a penny last year..." type of question. If you know the answer, put it in your response and ask a new question. BE SURE TO refresh the page before you post and look to see if anyone has already answered, so we don't get four people posting answers at about the same time and the game going off in four different directions.

Poster 1 says: Where on property can you find a pair of ski boots?
I say: In the last Carousel of Progress scene, the daughter has a pair of ski boots as xmas presents.

Now I get to ask:
Where on property can you find the board game Mousetrap?