This is part looking for advice and experience, and part grief counselling, I think ;-) When we go in May of 2012 my oldest daughter will be 19 years old, and just finished her first year of college. Yes, my baby turns 18 TODAY. I want a cozy family just-the-four-of-us, doing everything together every minute of the day trip to Disney like the other times we've gone HOWEVER, I know that boat has sailed forever So, I'm trying to figure out what other families do. Morgan says she has totally outgrown sharing one little room with the whole family, and needs a room of her own, or with just her sister. okay, so that would make 2 rooms at the Pop the perfect (affordable) solution. But hubby and I are wanting to try more and different - we want to do a split stay in a Mod and Deluxe we haven't tried. SOOOO...when you travel with (barely) adult kids, do you stay in the same resort? Would you have the youngster stay where they can afford it, and you stay where you want to, and meet up in between? And she's toying with the idea of bringing her BFF and staying at a Value - any opinions on how that would affect the dynamics of the trip? Every solution I consider is an attempt to turn back time so I need some objective ideas about how to accomodate an "adult" child and yet not feel like my Disney Dreams are gone forever