Pap 81
DD 19
DS 16
Dad (myself) 42

Where: Port Orleans French Quarter and using DDP

Having been to WDW almost every year since 1976 this is our first time going during the Holiday Season. We had a 6:00 am out of the Burgh and short layover in Atlanta, thanks to Airtran changing our flight 3 times. We landed in Orlando slightly before 11:00 am. Once there the kids took Pap and went on ME and I picked up a rent-a-car from Alamo and met them at the resort. We get a car since my father uses his personal wheelchair to get around for the most part. He can walk in short spurts but with all of his medical issues it is easier to use a wheelchair. We elect to push him in the chair, as it is safer for all guests that he does not drive a motorized chair. He would surely runover anyone who would even think about cutting in front of him. Once we met up at POFQ, we checked-in but the room was not ready so we grabbed a quick service lunch at the food court.
After eating we decided to drive to the Beach Club to see their Christmas Decorations. From there we decided to walk to the Boardwalk and take in their decorations also.
We walked back to the Beach Club and got in the car to head over to the MK. We arrived a little after 3:00 pm and entered using our Annual Passes. We took in Mainstreet in all it's Christmas Decoration splendor. Once down Mainstreet we walked on POTC, BTM and HM. By the way I didn't mention this earlier but at 81my father still insist on riding everything. From here we headed over to Tomorrowland to get out MVMCP Bracelets. We rode Space Mountain 45 minute wait (longest of the trip) and then went up to get in line for the Seven Dwarfs greet. We got there at 6:15 and we were 2nd in line. Promptly at 7:00 the Dwarfs came out and we had our photos and away we went to CHH for some hot chocloate and cookies. We visited with Donald Duck and took a spot in Liberty Square for the 1st parade. The Parade was one of the best we have seen at WDW. A big side note to the parade. My DD had her birthday pin on and she was sitting on the ground next to Pap for the parade. When Santa came by he was telling everybody Merry Christmas and he looked down to my DD and wished her a Happy Birthday by name. Now Santa is what 15 to 20 feet in the air and it is pretty dark where we sat and the pin is only so big and my DD name on the pin is smaller. Both my kids turned to me in shock and said how did he do that. To which I replied. He does know when you are naughty or nice. All in all pretty amazing eyesight and everyone sitting near us was in amazement. After the parade we watched the fireworks from Mainstreet and did some shopping before calling it a night.