There's been lots of threads about people who are constantly asked why they go to Disney, etc. I had a different experience tonight and wanted to see a more positive thread about it.

As some of you may have read in an earlier post, I had to have emergency surgery which is forcing me to postpone my trip this year. I'm on my 9th day in the hospital and feeling overwhelmed. I started crying while my friend Dave was visiting me. Dave went with me on my trip last October. At the end of my litany of things I was crying about was not being able to go this year. After helping me plan out what to do about some of the other things, and assuring me that things will look better in two weeks, he told me "Yes, you will have to postpone your trip for a little while, but DisneyWorld will still be there waiting for you. I don't want you to quit planning it though. I know that is half the fun for you." Friends are wonderful.