Quote Originally Posted by BrerGnat View Post
I have to ask, do you have intimate, working knowledge of this? Because, when we were living in CA, and they were doing the trial for this at Disneyland, one of my friends got to meet talking Mickey with her kids. Their interaction was VERY personalized. Mickey commented on one of the boy's shirts specifically, and joked around with him about it. He also asked a question about the boy's favorite ride and responded uniquely when the boy told him it was CA Screamin'. I've seen the video of this interaction and it was neither pre screened or 'generic'.

While I can't speak for the "version" of talking Micky at WDW, I am going to assume it's the same technology.

There is also evidence of this spontaneous nature of Mickey's responses all over YouTube. Just search "Talking Mickey" and you will see what I'm saying. Seems to me that Mickey can say whatever he wants, and it comes out sounding like Mickey.
You're watching the wrong YouTube videos.
Those clips that show "free interaction" are not the technology of the "Conversation Mickey" that is being used with guests on a more regular basis.

Those with "free interaction" (as in personal comments about individual guests and answers to kids specific questions) are very, very special sessions which feature the actual "Voice of Mickey" doing the live speaking in real-time, on-location. for the costumed character. Very expensive and brief sessions.

The current Mickey interacting with guests cannot make specific comments other than those which are pre-recorded and stored for random access by the character operator.