Quote Originally Posted by Carol View Post
That was ridiculous. She is being paid very well to judge. Then judge.
Exactly. The histrionics from her were too much!
Quote Originally Posted by VWL Mom View Post
Looks like her crying days may be over. I read on an entertainment site that Disney has already contacted her. Looks like she will be meeting with The Disney Channel people very soon.
No doubt, I knew she'd get scooped up by somebody as she as an adorable young girl with talent. But, at that moment in time, I'm sure it seemed like the world was ending, and I just don't think it's right for that kind of thing to be considered "Entertainment." Why didn't the cameras cut away sooner? Again, I just personally feel the age limit is way too low. I teach children of her age group and to have that kind of pressure/expectation on you at such an age is ridiculous. Just look at the number of child stars who turn to drugs/alcohol etc.