So you could call this a rumor, but I have heard some information recently (from someone within Imagineering) that regular Fastpass is going to be gone soon. I know we've discussed the Next Gen/X-Pass thing a lot, but we were never sure if it would be something new, in addition to the current Fastpass system... or if it would be a complete replacement of the current Fastpass system. Sounds like it's the latter.

Here's what I've learned:
- The average guest uses between 1-2 fastpasses per day at the parks. Most people collect more than that, but never use them, or they lose them.
- Because of this, Fastpass is becoming a reservation-only service, being called Fastpass+. They don't feel that enough guests will be upset by this, because again, the average guest only uses one a day. In her words, "it's not a big enough dent in the system", so "day-of fastpasses will become a thing of the past."
- You can see evidence of this in that the kiosks for the Next-Gen/X-Pass/Fastpass+ are temporary plugins and aren't needed for very long. As well, there are no Fastpass kiosks slated for the Fantasyland expansion.
- She tells me that all current Fastpass kiosks are slated to be removed.

Take it with a grain of salt, but it's what I've heard!

Some other things she mentioned:
Basically, the system breaks down like this: Fastpass was/is broken because a minority of people were exploiting the system. Who were those people? They were the FP super-users on the high end of the spectrum. They would send out "runners", collect FP tickets en mass, and return well past their posted windows. They would send out "runners", collect FP tickets en mass, and return well past their posted windows. FP+ is designed to appeal to these people who can plan in advance and be secured a spot while making sure they don't break the system. It has also been expanded to other attractions on a sliding scale of investment. Spend more money, get more fastpasses. The big ticket spenders will get more passes. Value Resorts? Not so many. So to the generic guest, this is no change, and there's also no more visible infrastructure outside every attraction. The FP signage and machines and all that caused far more confusion than they were worth. So, yes, if you're an AP holder or whatever, the system changing basically isn't aimed at you. The good news is that the system popping up at other attractions, like Mansion, should have next to zero effect on standby. And at those attractions where the line gets clogged, its usually because of the super users exploiting the system. So let's take a collective deep breath about the FP+ system. It will be an improvement. NextGen itself is going to be a huge fiasco but some of it will be stuff that needed to happen.