We are still here, halfway through our trip. It was to be 3 of us, but ended up being only me and DD. But still having a great time! While she is resting, I thought I'd come on here and give a few details of what we have done so far.

It seemed a late start for everything, starting with our train ride down. But only by 15 mins or so. I was glad we wore our denim jackets, as it was a cool 4 hour ride down. Once we got to Penn Station, we walked with bags in hand (1 duffel-type each) to our hotel on 39th St. It only took about 10 minutes, once we got our bearings in place. We got to the hotel, our room was not ready, so we went to Southern Hospitality BBQ, which was about a 10 minute walk to 9th Ave. We had a very fulfilling meal of (what else) BBQ, I had it wrap style, DD had it as a pulled pork sandwich. We also had fried pickles, which we got for free thanks to our NY Pass. DD also had a side of homemade mac & cheese. It was all really good and very filling.

Once done, we get back to our hotel and geuss what...room still not ready. So, after sitting for a half hour, I got up, explained to the lady that we had been here for almot 3 hours and still no room. I asked about being comped, she said I could get the first night free!

Once we got our room and dropped our bags off, we were very anxious to get out again. So we did our short walk to Times Sq. Of course it was busy and interesting to see. This was never really a shopping trip for me, so while we did stop in many stores; Toys r Us, Disney store, Hard Rock, we didn't spend money at these places. This was a trip to see things and do things for us. Though we did have some very delicious mini-pies at Pie Face. The crusts were buttery good, and the cherry and blueberry fillings were fresh.

We got back to our rooms by the time it was dark and just decided to rest since our next day was to be tours.