I miss going to WDW. I've gone from going 1-2 times a year (since 1996!) to 0. I'm in withdrawal!

DH & I had our last trip back in Nov 2010. I was 5 months pregnant with our first child. I was moving a little slowly then, got tired a little quicker, but enjoyed every minute of it (especially our Poly upgrade at check-in).

I get super-excited when a friend or co-worker tells me they're going to WDW and they ask me for planning advice. I'm more than happy to help them

I just came back from a food shopping & for whatever reason, smelling that crisp fall air while I walked across the parking lot from th store to my car made me reminisce about those fall WDW trips and nights at the MNSSHP.

I've been of the mindset that we'd take our little one on her first WDW when she was 5 & able to enjoy it a bit, but now I'm leaning more towards when she's 2...which is next March

I don't know. I just had to pop back onto the boards to catch a WDW fix Thanks for reading!