My wife, two small girls and I come to WDW twice per year. We are annual pass holders and DVC members. We will normally use our points for one trip and pay cash for the other. In fact, we're here at OKW as I type this. We opted for our "normal" accommodations, which is a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom at OKW. By the way, this is our "cash" trip. The room alone (7 nights) was $5000.00. Pricey, but nice.

Our first day we noticed that one of our doors leading to the balcony squeaked REALLY bad. So bad that it would wake our children if we opened it after they went to bed. I called the front desk and politely asked if they could possibly hot the hinges with some WD-40 while we were out at a park. They said that they'd be glad to. That was Sunday. After no response for two days, I bought some WD-40 and spent about 5 seconds fixing it myself. Yesterday (Tues) we received a call from maintenance asking if we needed the door fixed. I told them that I had already fixed it. Ok, I know that's petty, but that's not all.

As we were doing our laundry yesterday, we went to dry our clothes. Guess what? The dryer wouldn't turn on. Again, I called the front desk and asked if they could please have someone look at it. Here it is nearly two days later and we still haven't heard from maintenance.

Knowing we had a full sized washer and dryer, we brought very limited clothes for us and the girls. Now we can't even do laundry.

Now I'm a nice guy and NEVER like rocking the boat, ESPECIALLY at WDW, but we paid $5k for these amenities. I'm really put off with the lack of caring that they're showing. I certainly expect a WAY different outcome. Ok, I'm done venting.