I know some people are real "sticklers" for checking crowd levels and there are plenty of calendars out there online that tell you which day of the week is better to visit the Magic Kingdom vs. Epcot or whatever. But am I the only one who never pays attention to those?

It's kind-of a ritual.
I HAVE TO go to Magic Kingdom our first day at the parks.
Our second day is ALWAYS Epcot.
After that, it's a toss-up between HS & AK. Then we round out the week again hopping around and finishing at Magic Kingdom.

A few years ago we went to Animal Kingdom the first day and it just threw me off. LOL I kept feeling like "I shouldn't be here yet!"

So do you have to do the parks in a certain order each time? Or do you go by what the crowd calendars say? (eg. if you arrive on a Monday, you'll just go to the park that is predicted to be least crowded on Mondays)