Ok, I'm way out of my depth here, but I've decided that it would be great if there were a central place where all the families at our riding lessons could post information. I'm looking for a site where we can:

  • Post names and pictures
  • have a calendar for events
  • post everyone's riding times
  • post everyone's lease ride times
  • be able to exchange messages with everyone

I would just like a site where we can be a little more organized and have an easy way to communicate, ask questions, switch lesson times, carpool, etc. Of course, the first thing suggested to me was Facebook. But, not all of us are on there, nor do we all want to join (I know I don't). But we do all have email and internet access. Three other sites were recommended to me. I've peeked at them, but I'm hesitating to dive in without knowing more about them and the person who suggested them hasn't actually used them. They are:

  1. Qlubb
  2. Groupcafes
  3. bigtent

Has anyone here used any of these sites for a group? Any insight would be great! Thanks!