Ok, I cannot remember everything we did by the moment like some expert trip reporter..lol, but I will give it a shot. I just got back yesterday (7th) from a 4 day vacation with my DS. Here are a few highlights of the trip.

CHECK IN: two minutes no lie, we checked in on line the day before and when I walked up to the counter. I was asked my last name and in two minutes they handed me a packed with room key and info and we were on our way. Love that option. Also I did glance over at the counters when we would leave the building and I never saw a line with more than two or three families waiting..

RESORT: AWSOME!!! I would recommend everyone stay here at least once. The rooms were great. Very bright and clean. Also I don't know if it was because we were on the fourth floor or what, but we didn't hear any toilets flushing in the early morning..lol they drive me crazy when we stay at the All-Stars. The grounds were very well kept. Each building was decorated really nice to go with the theme.

FOOD COURT: was just ok nothing to brag about. It was very weak in the choices, but we only ate there once so it didn’t matter to us. We also did Chef Mickey's for Dinner and I don’t think I would do it again. It was ok the food was average. I think I like the breakfast better. Why are the resort mugs “Disney Paris” not AOA?

STORE: was nice same as all the other stores, so that was good.

BUSSES: good over all they came quick enough and the drivers were always very nice and friendly. I love that the bus had an automated recording of where we were headed and what to expect. Also they would announce if there were any Princesses or birthdays on board. It was so cute when they said a princess was traveling with us and the little girls face was light up with joy..too cute.

PARKS, HOT HOT HOT!!!! Now I remember why we NEVER go in the summer. It was just too hot to even enjoy the day. I felt so bad for all the kids and adults as well that were trying to get everything done in a day. Too much. The 4th fireworks awesome as always... loved it

WEATHER: HOT HOT HOT AND EVEN HOTTER!!! With little rain so that was good, but then it would get so hot and sticky with no breeze what so ever. I live here and I’m used to doing things outside in the summer, but this was just too much.. Who ever told me about the ponchos, thank you everytime I carried the ponchos it didn't rain

SHOPPING, we hit DTD once at night and then again the next morning before leaving. That place is just too packed. So we get in and get out fast. Found parking up front both times so that was good. If not we would have just left..

I would like to say as a married, mother of three on this trip alone with my DS I did do more people watching of families and couples. I have to say when watching families interact with each other (husbands and wives) I did notice they never really looked like they were having fun. THIS IS MY OPIONON they always looked like they were in a rush to get things done. ALWAYS (sorry) barking orders at each other. Trust me I know Disney can be stressful with small kids that want to keep going or are having a meltdown, but it was strange looking in this time. I was wondering do DH and I look like this when we are there. I’m not saying they have to be all over each other, but I think you all know what I mean. As you passed them walking to the rooms no one was laughing/joking or even talking to each other. It would be one parent in the front with one kid(s) and the other walking further back with the other kid(s) Unless there were more than one couple walking then you would hear them laughing and joking. When it came to the kid’s yes they would be having fun, but interacting to each other NO!! The only people I really saw smiling and laughing were the grandparents. The older people always seemed happier. Sorry to go on about it, but it’s something I noticed at different times and wanted to share. I know we all have fun, but maybe we need to show it to our DH/DW while we are there.