I get it totally, but my point is who are (you) we (general) to judge or look down on people that don't follow what (you0 we feel is the “norm”. IF someone feels they are dressed appropriately for THEIR own liking. Then why is it your (again general) job to look down on them or call them out on it. if the rule is dress formal and someone shows up in jeans and a shirt WHO are (you) we to say that's not their 'FORMAL" it may not be (yours) or mine, but again to each his/her own.. It’s so not worth stressing over. And I know if it's made such a big deal on here that people actually stress over it..lol

Your examples are more life threatening then a simple t-shirt and jeans. So I don't think you can compare what people wear to dinner on a disney cruise verses Texting and driving Or speeding. unless what they are wearing at the time they are doing it bothers you also.. lol

I guess i'm just not that person that really cares what others do or wear. As long as your having fun then to me it's all good...