The airline gods were in our favor and we both arrived ahead of schedule...much to the delight of the Intinerary Chief (Kathy)! A quick posting of our first contest on Facebook, a few quick client emails and we were off!

First stop, the Magic Kingdom for Wendy's ticket and then to the Contemporary and libations/appetizers at the California Grill...all in the interest of research, of course! The remodel is beautiful and we had an amazing view while Kathy was being introduced to Sushi! Check one new thing for Kathy off the list lol!

Onward to the monorail....and fast trip to the Polynesian for a wee bit of retail therapy and stop, Magic Kingdom!

Again, in the interest of client research, we hit a few shops and picked up the first contest prize for today!

Jungle Cruise, Pirates, a little Parade action and fireworks...then back to the resort....after all, we started our day at 3 am!

Tomorrow....Epcot Food and Wine , another contest on Facebook and our Meet/Greet at 2 pm at the American Adventure Pavilion.