In an effort to divert my attention from the seemingly endless FastPass+ threads, let me pose a question/topic to the board.

My wife and I always like to try to get an early reservation at Crystal Palace on the mornings we go to MK. It allows us to cruise around Main Street with nobody around, photo ops, etc. While we were strolling, we came upon a group of new cast member recruits that were on an orientation/training tour. With nothing else to do, we sidled up to the group and just listened. The big nugget that I took out of that was that the leader said that Disney owns enough land inside Disney World to add FOUR more parks.

My question is, what kind of park do you want to see? What kind of rides, themes, etc?

My suggestion is to have a "thrill ride" park. Think, Cedar Point South. Tall/fast Coasters galore! Theme the park in a way that features all of the Disney "villans". These guys don't get much run in the other parks.

Think about a ride themed off of Randall in Monsters that is a roller coaster based off the "doors scene". This park would not be catered to "toddlers" but us older "kids" that still love all things Disney.

Would love to hear some other ideas.