Well, I can't say the wedding went off without any glitches, but it was still the most magical wedding anyone could have hoped for. Glitch number 1, (travel day). Had done online check in with the airline, boarding passes & seat assignments in hand, should be good to go, right, WRONG! No problem in Green Bay. Start boarding in Chicago, daughters (bride) ticket is canceled. Flight is booked solid. Airline associate had to ask if anyone would be willing to give up their seat, so the bride could get to her wedding. Glitch number 2. We had sent down 4 boxes with wedding stuff. One contained all the dresses which arrived very quickly (less than 2 days) 2 arrived at noon the day of the wedding and the last showed up on Friday the day after the wedding. Disney was great, they found us items to replace what was missing from the 4th box. Other than that, everything was wonderful. Abbie looked stunning, she was a ROCK. Held it together amazingly. Me, not so much, although better than I thought. Even her dad was choked up. We hand her off to Rocky, he's quivering, fighting back the tears (very touching). They resight their vowes, Rocky can bearly get thru them (at this point there is hardly a dry eye in the chapel) and again, Abbie is a ROCK. Don't know how is did it.
The reception was suppose to be outside, but got moved to Ariels at the Beach Club. It was simply beautiful. Food, flowers, and cake were excellent. We then walked to EPCOT for Illuminations viewing.
All in all, it was a very Magical, Fairy tale day.