Quote Originally Posted by RedHead View Post
A few thoughts on FP+.

I am here at WDW now, the first time in a few years (dang work keeps gerting in the way!), a FL resident and have been countless times since my first trip in 1972.

Due to unforseen circumstances, we didn't even get into MK until after noon, and had dining reservations for less than an hour after our arrival - no time for looking for FP+ info. After lunch with Pooh, we headed for Adventureland....and the first thing we encountered was a temp FP+ station, in shade, well-staffed. While we had our tickets in advance and had tried to do FP+ ahead of time, we were informed that FP+ was still in testing phase, and resort guests had access in advance now, then it would move down to AP holders (and hopefully then FL resident sasonal passes), etc. To me, important words: STILL IN TESTING PHASE. Changes to improve it WILL come!

We got BMTRR and its a small world FP+s for 1 and 2 hours out, respectively. No, you cannot have 2 FP+s within the same window. Yes, our Space Mountain FP+ was for 9:30, but for getting it after 3pm, we considered it fortunate to get one at all, and without running from one end of MK to the other to even see if it was available! We had time to wander, savor, see the new parts of Fantasyland (no, no sign of functioning dwarves!), ride the rides we wanted and more....with very short FP lines, and some moderate standby lines.

I do suggest that at least one member of each party download/use the My Disney Experience app...very helpful for managing FP+s, wait times, character appearances, etc. And, if you use ATT as your carrier, turn on your wifi and use it to save your data plan (No, I do NOT work for them; I just monitor my data usage closely!)

Here is where I really get into trouble. On a number of Disney boards, I see complaints about the number of FP+s available per day/park, tiered structure, and how Disney is ruining their 12FP a day, all E-ticket ride day with this.

What I see is greed and selfishness. When a few people monopolize the "good" FP, what about everyone else? Since resort hotel users, then AP holders have/will have first access, how would a day user or a newbie have a chance to one of those rides without an hour+ wait?

For the local/AP holder (amd I have been one!), the "I can't get 10 E-ticket FP+s to ride every time" - you also get to go to WDW frequently, AND can go in the slower seasons/off days/for an evening when the park is open late and ride many of these rides with little line/wait. The visitor who travels far, comes rarely, or even as a once in a lifetime visit doesn't have that advantage.

Sometimes, it seems like we run through the Parks just for those E-ticket rides as if it's the local carnival, and don't slow down to savor the Disney Experience. Even now, 42 years after my first visit, I'm still finding new experiences that don't involve rides, new things and changes (some good, some not in my opinion.....just whose idea was the Stitch ride?), the shows, the architecture, the landscaping....all a part of the Disney Experience. If all I want is a quick thrill ride, I can go for carnival rides at my local fair or parish festival.

Okay, I know I've upset some folks. Sure, we should be entitled to our money's worth. Everyone has different values and different expectations.

But let's bring it down to common courtesy....I've been tripped over and shoved by those running for their 12th FP, been clipped by the double stroller when Mom is ignoring what is in her path, been hoked at by the gent in the electric scooter because I wasn't going fast enough and need to get out of his way.....this doesn't make for the most Magical Place on Earth.

Let's help by making some Magic for each other and our fellow guests.

I typically pass over most threads regarding FP+, but for some reason I read the first posts in this thread and realized they didn't seem to be the "same old thing" and then I came to this post.

Thank you RedHead, for your terrific take on things. I agree with many of your points, especially regarding that everyone has different expectations and that we should make magic for each other and our fellow guests. To me, WDW has always been so much than thrill rides; I've always enjoyed exploring each park, enjoying the live entertainment, the architecture, etc., etc., etc.

Have a wonderful time in WDW, and if you see Cinderella, Goofy and Dopey, tell them hi for me and I'll see them in 2 months.