My son is 10 years old and has mild cerebral palsy on his right side and suffers from seizures. We have been to disney every year ever since he was 3 and never had any problems. Last year we went in September for 5 nights 6 days and then went to the beach for a few days afterwards, as we always do. After we got to the beach my son had two seizures, both days. The first one was so bad that we had to call 911 and go to the er, and stay forever!

My dr. thought that he was having them because of fatigue. The dr. Said he sees it all the time when his patients go on vacation. We found out later that he had a stomach virus brewing, which had caused it. But now i am worried sick about going back and wearing him out, because we have had a problem keeping them under control this last year.

We usually go pretty hard. We stay in the park all day and are always exhausted. We also do free dining and have breakfast reservations to get to or dining reservations, sometimes late. Next time i want to make sure that we schedule our dining at decent hours, and try to slow down.

We rented a stroller for him last year since he is too big for the umbrella strollers now. He gets around fine, he's very blessed and is an active boy, but he has a tight akeles tendon, and i know he would be exhausted walking all day.

Can you give me some advice on what would be the best way to make it easier on him next time (we may go back this September).

Thank you!